Validating the edinburgh postnatal depression scale as a. Postnatal depression is a distressing disorder more prolonged than the baby blues which occurs in the first week after delivery, but less severe than postpartum psychosis. Ryan, kylee trevillion, fraser anderson, debra bick, amanda bye, sarah byford, sheila oconnor, polly sands, jill demilew, jeannette milgrom, andrew pickles. This is not intended to provide a diagnosis only trained health professionals should do this. Jun 12, 2006 the edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds is a 10 item selfrating post natal depression scale which has seen widespread use in epidemiological and clinical studies. Postnatal depression hits one in seven mothers nhs. The edinburgh postnatal depression scale request pdf.
The present study established severity cutoff scores for the edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds based on a widely used depression symptom severity measure, the beck depression inventory bdi background. Page 1 of 3 king edward memorial hospital community midwifery program aim to describe the use of the edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds in screening for anxiety and depression in the community and to provide referral pathways. During the pilot study, the overwhelming conclusion of participating obgyn practices was that the epds was useful. You will be asked to complete the epds at least twice. Oct 21, 2016 edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds is considered well accepted screening tool for postpartum depression ppd. Concern has been raised over the validity of the epds as a single summed scale, with suggestions that it measures two separate aspects, one of depressive feelings, the other. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale pdf sample letter to patients doctor re. This 10 item self report measure is designed to screen women for symptoms of emotional distress during pregnancy and the postnatal period. Evaluation of the edinburgh post natal depression scale using. Once during your pregnancy, and once after pregnancy. The epds should be performed at the booking visit, and at around 32 weeks. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale 1 epds postpartum depression is the most common complication of childbearing. The scale, which has been translated into 50 different languages, consists of 10 selfreported questions that are health literacy appropriate and take less than 5.
The dependent variable utilized in this study was the edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds as it is the most common screening instrument used for the detection of antenatal and post natal. The aim of this study is to assess whether this epds anxiety subscale is present in a communitybased dataset, and if so, to assess its validity and. It is interesting to note that many women had scores between 7 and, what we would label as nondepressed on the epds but a score that would be called mild depression using more conventional scales of depression severity. A clean copy without scores is given on the preceding page. Studies have shown that postpartum depression affects at least 10% 20% of women and that many depressed mothers remain untreated. I have been able to laugh and see the funny side of things as much as i always could not quite so much now denitely not so much now not. Please choose one of the answers which best describes how you have felt in the past 7 days, not just how you feel today.
For each question, select the statement thats closest to how youve felt in the past seven days. Validation of the edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds. Netsi e, pearson rm, murray l, cooper p, craske mg, stein a. Developed as the edinburgh postnatal depression scale and validated for use in both pregnancy and the postnatal period to assess for possible depression and anxiety. I have been able to laugh and see the funny side of things. This might be considered questionable since repeated psychometric studies have shown multidimensionality, which would entail using separate component subscales. Is the edinburgh postnatal depression scale an effective.
Kl wisner, bl perry, cm piontek, postpartum depression n engl j med vol 347, no 3, july 18, 2002 194199. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds the edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds is a set of 10 screening questions that can indicate whether a parent has symptoms that are common in women with depression and anxiety during pregnancy and in the year following the birth of a child. We use this scale to see how woman are coping with the life changes of pregnancy and childbirth. The objective of the study was to validate the epds as a screening tool for postpartum depression in kathmandu, nepal. Women are asked to answer each question in terms of the past seven days. Validation of the edinburgh depression scale during pregnancy. Microsoft word edinburgh postnatal depression scale. The edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds is a 10item questionnaire that was developed to identify women who have postpartum depression. About the edinburgh postnatal depression scale the epds was developed in the 1980s by john cox, a consultant psychiatrist in the united kingdom, and his colleagues jeni holden and ruth sagovsky. Oct 08, 2018 postpartum depression is not recognized by the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders dsmiv as being diagnostically distinct from major depression, although the manual does. Accuracy of the whooley questions and the edinburgh postnatal depression scale in identifying depression and other mental disorders in early pregnancy volume 212 issue 1 louise michele howard, elizabeth g.
Feb 03, 2014 the edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds is a questionnaire and was designed as a simple means of screening for postnatal depression in health care settings. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale in multiple languages authorowner. It also has adequate sensitivity and specificity to identify depressive symptoms in the antenatal period and is useful in identifying symptoms of anxiety. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds cox jl, holden jm sagovsky r 1987 detection of postnatal depression. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale the epds is a 10item questionnaire.
Its a list of 10 short statements, and for each one, youll say how often youve. To be useful as a screening test for depression following childbirth, therefore, a selfreport scale must be fully acceptable to women who may not. Please underline the answer which best describes how you have felt in the past 7 days, not just how you feel today. Our job is to make sure your baby is getting the best health care possible and to help. Paternal postpartum depression, its relationship to maternal postpartum depression, and implications for family health. These limitations may also be relevant to a consideration of the zung depression scale zung, 1965 for use in the puerperium. The perinatal clinical practice guidelines recommend that psychosocial assessment and the edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds be used by primary care and other health professionals to screen all women for symptoms of depression andor anxiety during the perinatal period. Robby steel, roch cantwell, in companion to psychiatric studies eighth edition, 2010. It is a selfreport questionnaire now used in many countries to screen for postnatal depression. Mar 24, 2016 none or minimal depression 06, mild depression 7, moderate depression 1419, severe depression 1930. Antenatal depressive symptoms, a history of major depressive disorder, or.
It can help to identify symptoms of anxiety and depression. To download information click on the selected language. Page 10 nsw health improving mental health outcomes for parents and infants. Share this share on facebook facebook share on twitter twitter web content viewer. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds free social. You will be given the epds as a normal part of your pregnancy and post pregnancy care.
Association of persistent and severe postnatal depression with child outcomes. Accuracy of the whooley questions and the edinburgh. It has been utilized among numerous populations including u. Testretest reliability of the english version of the. Validation in a norwegian community sample article pdf available in nordic journal of psychiatry 552. This study reappraised the dimensional structure of the epds, with a focus on the extent of factor. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale in multiple languages. Edinburgh postnatal pregnancy, birth and early parenthood for. The edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds is commonly used as a screening tool but a single, direct question on depression may offer. Other tools, such as the hospital anxiety and depression scale hads, are used to identify which women need care, as well as to help doctors decide on the best form of treatment. We are excited to be a part of this important time in your life.
Concern has been raised over the validity of the epds as a single summed scale, with suggestions that it measures two separate aspects, one of depressive feelings, the other of anxiety. The edinburgh post natal depression scale epds from the british journal of psychiatry. The edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds was developed to assist health professionals in detecting mothers suffering from ppd. Its subsequent development in clinical and research settings has been fully described cox and holden, 1994. The epds is a simple 10item selfreport scale which reliably identifies women at high risk.
Postpartum major depression american family physician. Oct 15, 2010 postpartum major depression is a disorder that is often unrecognized and must be distinguished from baby blues. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds ucsf fresno. For the purposes of this toolkit, the edinburgh postnatal depression scale was selected due to its high specificity, high predictive value and its validation in numerous countries and languages. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds this document is available in english as well as in languages other than english. A mother checks off one of four possible answers that is.
Sep 11, 2014 testretest reliability of the english version of the edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds has not been established. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds calculator. Cox 1990 also known as the edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds j l cox, j m. I have been able to laugh and see the funny side of things 6. The edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds j l cox. The edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds is a set of 10 questions that can help you and your health professional get a better sense of how youre feeling. It also has adequate sensitivity and specificity to identify depressive symptoms in the antenatal period. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds scoring instructions pdf sample signature page for new mothers re.
Clinical tools for your practice the postpartum stress. Results for reliability of edinburgh postnatal depression scale 1 20 of 87 sorted by relevance date click export csv or ris to download the entire page or use the checkboxes to select a subset of records to download. The edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds was developed in 1987 to screen for postnatal depression. As you are having a baby, we would like to know how you are feeling. They used a validated scale during pregnancy, a version of the center for epidemiological studiesdepression scale cesd. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds many doctors think of this as the best way to check for ppd. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale1 epds postpartum depression is the most common complication of childbearing. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds instructions. The epds is a widely used screening tool to identify clinically significant levels of depression in postpartum women traditionally, an epds cutoff score is used to. The edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds has been developed to assist primary care health professionals to detect mothers suffering from postnatal depression. Holden, r sagovsky 1987 this 10 item self report measure is designed to screen women for symptoms of emotional distress during pregnancy and the postnatal period. A core component of australias national perinatal depression initiative npdi is universal screening of all pregnant women and new mums using the edinburgh postnatal depression scale.
For use between 28 32 weeks in all pregnancies and 6 8 weeks postpartum. Revisiting the dimensional structure of the edinburgh. Items of the scale correspond to various clinical depression symptoms, such as guilt feeling, sleep disturbance, low energy, anhedonia, and suicidal ideation. About this resource about this resource 1 this is a new resource which collates copies of the edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds that have been translated into languages other than english and.
The edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds is most frequently used in the research setting and clinical practice for several reasons. Please check the answer that comes closest to how you have felt in the past 7 days, not just how you feel today. The edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds it has been recommended that healthcare professionals working with the perinatal population use the epds as an integral part of their assessment for depression. The edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds was developed to assist primary care health professionals in detecting mothers suffering from postpartum depression ppd.
The most common way this is done in the uk and us is by using the edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds. Introduction derived from the earlier work of zigmond and snaith 1983 the edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds is a 10item selfreport scale designed for use postnatally cox et al. A study of the edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds. Sagovsky the edinburgh postnatal depression scale has been developed to assist primary care health professionals to detect mothers suffering from postnatal depression. It has become routine in the uk for health visitors to administer the edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds at two or three time points in the first 68 months of the postnatal period. A study of the edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds on 859 mothers. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale congratulations on your new baby. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds postpartum depression is the most common complication of childbearing. As you are pregnant or have recently had a baby, we would like to know how you are feeling. The mother should complete the scale herself, unless she has limited english or reading difficulties.
The edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds is a set of questions for you to answer. The epds is easy to administer and has proven to be an effective screening tool. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale 783 appear to lack face validity. Using the epds to measure postpartum depression severity. Click the download button to view the edinburgh postnatal depression scale resource. This 10question selfrating scale has been demonstrated to be an efficient and effective way of identifying patients at risk for perinatal depression. The mother is asked to check the response that comes closest to how she has been feeling in the previous 7 days.
Development of the 10item edinburgh postnatal depression scale. The edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds is a questionnaire originally developed to assist in identifying possible symptoms of depression in the postnatal period. Using the edinburgh postnatal depression scale meta4rn. Postnatal depression scale epds is a valuable and effici ent way of identifying patients at risk for perinatal depression. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds taken from the british journal of psychiatry june, 1987, vol. We recommend you complete the questions with a health professional. Postpartum major depression is a disorder that is often unrecognized and must be distinguished from baby blues. The edinburgh postnatal depression scale english form. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds the epds was developed for screening postpartum women in outpatient, home visiting settings, or at the 6 8 week postpartum examination. Jun 20, 2011 the edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds has been proposed as a onedimensional instrument and used as a single 10item scale. The epds has been validated for use in both pregnancy and the. The edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds is a set of 10 screening questions that can indicate whether a parent has symptoms that are common in women with depression and anxiety during pregnancy and in the year following the birth of a child. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale1 epds comes closest. The epds is among the most widely used screening tools for depression in women and has been translated in over 50 languages.
The spanish version was developed at the university of iowa based on earlier. This is a 10item, assessment tool that is valid and reliable for detecting postpartum depression. The edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds screens for postpartum depression with a sensitivity of 59% to 100% and a specificity of 44% to 97%, with variation due to geographic location of studies, cutoff scores chosen, and reference standards used for diagnosis sor. The commonwealth department of health and ageing doha suggests using it twice once antenatally, and again a month or so postpartum reference here. Cox jl, holden jm, sagovsky r 1987 detection of postnatal depression. The scale can be used at six to eight weeks after birth or during pregnancy. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds1 the questionnaire below is called the edinburgh postnatal depression scale edps the edps was developed to identify women who may have postpartum depression. The edinburgh postnatal depression scale black dog institute. The edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds was originally created as a unidimensional scale to screen for postpartum depression ppd.
The identification of severity ranges for the edinburgh. Aug 21, 2014 the edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds. This tool which is for identifying patients at risk for perinatal depression is available in multiple languages. The scale is now in use around the world and this book is a practical guide to using the scale in clinical practice, its origins and development background. Questions 3, 510 marked with an are reverse scored, with the top box scored as a 3 and the bottom box scored as 0. Edinburgh perinatalpostnatal depression scale epds for use between 28 32 weeks in all pregnancies and 6 8 weeks postpartum name. Links to the english and multilingual resources can be accessed further below. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds 23 translations of the epds have been recently checked, revised or backtranslated and then reformatted by western sydney translation service onto the nsw health emr form to enable clinicians better access to validated versions via a url link.
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